LANG1498 - English Second Language - B1.1 (Intermediate 1a)



This course will allow the student to develop English Second Language abilities in listening, reading, spoken production and interaction, and writing. The student will be able to communicate with a certain amount of ease on familiar topics in everyday social and professional situations, despite frequent hesitations and some comprehension difficulties.


  • Listen to comprehend the main points of clear and standard speech on familiar topics relating to personal and professional areas
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension in a conversation on a familiar subject, using repetition or clarifications when necessary
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension of the main points in a short story
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension of the main points in an oral presentation or in a conversation by using repetition or clarification when necessary
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension of a brief and simple message
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension of simple technical information on a subject or on a common piece of equipment
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension of the main points from numerous radio and television shows that are about current topics as well as on topics relevant to the personal and professional as long they are delivered clearly and slowly
  • Read to comprehend texts that are written in everyday English on familiar topics relating to personal and profession areas
    • Demonstrate one’s comprehension of a text on a familiar subject while providing the main points orally
    • Recognize information in brochures, notes, or in catalogues
    • Identify the main ideas on a familiar subject in magazine articles or in newspapers
    • Follow simple written directions such as a recipe and clear directions from an instructions manual
  • Produce oral expressions in order to recount experiences
    • Give descriptions on a variety of topics
    • Relate detailed accounts of experiences and describe one’s feelings and reactions
    • Reveal one’s opinions briefly while providing a short justification
    • Communicate by giving a short, prepared oral presentation on a familiar subject and by answering questions
    • Relate the main ideas from short texts
  • Take part in a conversation without preparation on familiar topics or about personal interests
    • Communicate by expressing feelings such as surprise, sadness, and interest
    • Communicate in person or on the telephone effectively when making travel arrangements: preparation, lodging, international authorities, etc.
    • Participate in a conversation on a familiar subject actively
    • Solicit help, information, and clarifications
    • Offer help, information, or clarifications
    • Participate in an informal discussion actively in order to exchange personal opinions and express agreement or disagreement
    • Communicate in an emergency situation effectively
    • Maintain a simple telephone conversation
  • Write about familiar topics and personal texts that are short, simple, and coherent
    • Write simple, detailed descriptions on a variety of topics
    • Describe one’s feelings and reactions briefly in a report relating to experiences
    • Write personal letters or e-mails with the goal of providing one’s news or expressing ideas on a subject
    • Write to communicate with friends and colleagues in order to obtain information or to inform
    • Write brief professional documents which are limited to the presentation of facts or information that is connected with one’s profession
  • Develop skills in linguistic aspects when using the oral and written language
    • Use sufficient vocabulary to communicate clearly on most topics such as family, personal interests, travels, work, and current events
    • Use a diversity of simple structures and certain complex structures which at times are simplified
    • Demonstrate a level of coherence during one’s interactions by using common connectors
    • Communicate in familiar and predictable situations, despite pauses, some reformulations, and frequent grammar errors
    • Pronounce words and sentences in a fashion that are understood despite one’s foreign accent

Content Overview

  • Descriptors from sub-level B1.1 of the CEFR’s framework
  • Listening
    • Understand straightforward information about common everyday or job-related topics, provided that people speak relatively slowly and clearly, and that I can ask for repetition when needed.
    • Understand most TV programs or radio broadcasts on topics of personal interest when the delivery is slow and clear.
    • Can follow a lecture or talk within my own field, provided the subject matter is familiar and the presentation straightforward and clearly structured.
  • Reading
    • Understand the main points in factual texts on personal or professional interests.
    • Understand a description of events, feelings or wishes.
    • Understand standard formal correspondence and online postings in my area of professional interest (public services, from associations or organizations, businesses, etc.).
    • Understand straightforward written instructions (a recipe, a clear user manual, etc.).
    • Understand the most important information in simple booklets and pamphlets.
    • Understand the main points in a newspaper article or short texts to quickly detect the facts and important information (who, what, where, when, etc.).
  • Spoken Interaction
    • Deal with most transactions likely to occur related to travelling (bookings, restaurants, authorities abroad, etc.).
    • Communicate effectively in emergencies with reformulations or gestures to support my communication.
    • Initiate, maintain and close a simple conversation related to personal interests or a familiar topic.
    • Have a relatively simple but extended conversation with people I personally know.
    • Take and respond to a message regarding requested information or explaining a problem.
    • Express my opinion and explain it comprehensibly in simple and plain language.
    • Express and respond to feelings such as surprise, happiness, sadness, or curiosity.
  • Spoken Production
    • Give detailed accounts of experiences, describing feelings and reactions.
    • Give descriptions on a variety of familiar topics.
    • Make a direct description of various topics in my field, presenting it in a coherent way.
    • Develop and prepare an argument well enough to be followed without difficulty most of the time.
  • Writing
    • Write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar subjects within my field of interest.
    • Write brief reports, which pass on routine information related to my field.
    • Write emails, texts or letters in order to give news or to express my thoughts on a subject.
    • Make a simple account of an experience, an event, or a recent trip, real or fictive, describing feelings and reactions.

Additional Training Informations

An entrance test will determine the student’s level of English. The learning content is based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL). The skills developed are from sub-level B1.1 of the Framework. This is the first of eight preparatory courses for the B1 level exam.

April 2025

  • Starts : 28 April 2025
  • Offert les soirs à distance
  • 45 heures
  • 395.00 CAD
  • CCNB - Campus de Bathurst
  • Rabais de 50 % sur les frais pour la population étudiante du CCNB
Register now !

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