Language Assessment Centre
Language Assessment Centre

The CCNB Language Assessment Centre is a licensed Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) and Niveaux de compétences linguistiques canadiens (NCLC) assessment centre. Our team of certified and experienced assessors provide services across the province of New Brunswick. In addition, we are the only provider of the French assessment (NCLC) in the Atlantic provinces.
To register for the assessment, download the free iCent ™ app to your smartphone or your tablet.
Download - iCent App Login Steps (French / English)
Download - iCent App Login Steps (English / Ukrainien)
Step 1: Open Google Play or Apple Store. Search for “iCent” and install the app. You can also use the web app: |
Step 2: Type “Canada” as country and “CCNB” as institution.
Step 3: Select “I want to register for an assessment”.
Step 4: Select “Login with your email & PIN”. |
Step 5: Type your email. |
Step 6: Confirm your email. |
Step 7: Enter your PIN.
Step 8: Select app display language. |
Step 9: Select the “Assessment Registration” icon to register. |
Who is eligible?
Immigrants in the following categories who are 18 years of age or older or who have a high school diploma are eligible:
- Permanent resident
- Convention refugee or protected person
- Person in Canada whose application for permanent resident status is being processed and who has been informed by a letter from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) of the initial approval of the application.
- Protected person under The Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET) (Ukrainians and their family members) (April 2022 to Marsch 2023)
Assessment information
- Assessment time: It can take up to 1.5 hours for the English (CLB) assessment and up to 3 hours for the French (NCLC ) assessment.
- Language choice: IRCC offers immigrants the choice of taking only one FREE language training in either English or French. You need to choose either English OR French funded training stream. Please make an informed decision based on your needs and the area in which you live.
- Results: You will be assigned a benchmark level for each of the 4 language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). They may be the same or they may all be different. If your speaking skills are stronger than your writing skills, you will have a higher benchmark for speaking. As your French or English language skills improve, your benchmarks will go up. Please refer to one of the following charts to understand your results:
- Next steps: After you have completed the assessment, you will receive your results along with information on training available for your level.
What is the procedure?
- Download the iCent ™ app to your smartphone or tablet, and fill out and submit the application form.
- Upon receiving your application form, the Language Assessment Centre will contact you to schedule an appointment for your assessment.
- Proof of permanent resident status is required in order to register for a language assessment. You must upload the front side of your legal document showing your photo when you register through iCent ™ backside.
- When you arrive for the assessment, you must show the assessor your proof of permanent residence.
- The English assessment (CLBPT) takes about 1.5 hours and 2.5 to 3 hours for the French assessment (BTC-NCLC). Please take the duration of the assessment into account in your planning.
- Child care is not available for the assessment. If you have children, please make childcare arrangements for the required time.
Important points to remember:
- A language assessment is valid for a period of 12 months.
- IRCC provides only one free language training. You have to choose either French OR English.
- Once you have registered in a language training (CLIC for French or LINC for English), you will not be able to switch.
- A language assessment is mandatory in order to register for a language training (French OR English) funded by IRCC.
- Our language assessments (NCLC or CLBPT) are not accepted by IRCC as proof of language proficiency for those applying for Canadian Citizenship. Please contact IRCC directly for information about the relevant tests.
- French (CLIC) and English (LINC) as second languages are funded by IRCC for immigrants in Canada.
- French (CLIC) and English (LINC) training options are available online (from your home) and face to face in a classroom.
- Learning options are offered either part time or full time and daytime or evening.
Find Us !
Chaleur – 725, rue du Collège |
Dieppe –505, rue du Collège |
Edmundston – 35, rue du 15-Août |
Fredericton – Marshall D’Avray Hall, Room 112- 1 McKay Drive, UNB campus, Fredericton (NB) E3B 0R6 |
Miramichi – St James & St John United Church - 556 King George Hwy, Miramichi (NB) E1V 1N3 |
Péninsule acadienne – 9 Boulevard Saint-Pierre E |
Restigouche – 47, avenue du Village |
Saint-Jean – Chinese Commerce Centre |