HSHA1016 - Food Safety - ADVANCED.fst® Certification

Arts et hospitalité


This course will allow the student to meet the food safety requirements with which food service managers must comply.


  • Understand food-borne illnesses or injuries
    • Explain the various ways of food contamination
    • Explain the impact of food-borne illness
    • Explain the different reactions to allergens
    • Describe the losses and costs for a business
    • Explain the process for channelling complaints of food-borne illnesses or injuries
  • Understand the food contamination sources and preventions
    • Explain the microbial contamination
    • Explain the chemical contamination
    • Explain the physical contamination
    • Explain the contamination by allergens
  • Apply the concepts of HACCP system
    • Analyze the risks of food contamination
    • List preventive measures to control food contamination
    • Identify critical control points
    • Set limits of critical thresholds for each critical point
    • Establish a monitoring for each critical control point
    • Determine the necessary actions to rectify discrepancies and product orientation in case of exceeding thresholds
    • Establish procedures to monitor critical control points
    • Establish effective file management
  • Understand the spread of germs
    • Explain the roles of microorganisms and their profiles
    • Explain the types and sources of microorganisms
    • Explain the microorganisms transmission
    • Explain the temperature settings and risk areas
    • Explain the importance of nutrients in the growth of pathogens
    • Explain the role of pH
    • Explain the water activity and moisture for the propagation of microorganisms
    • Describe the food potentially hazardous in toxins and pathogens
  • Understand the management system of food safety
    • Explain the importance of minimizing food contamination
    • Describe the basic elements of a system for managing food safety
    • Explain the setting of times and temperature
    • Describe the methods for controlling allergens
    • Explain the maintenance of facilities and equipment
    • Explain the control of reception, storage and transport
    • Explain the proper food handling practices and food packaging
    • Describe the control measures of food and displays
    • Explain the food services and food distribution techniques
    • Describe the methods of food destruction or single-use items
  • Understand the methods of cleaning, disinfection and personal hygiene
    • Explain the cleaning frequency and equipments disinfecting frequency
    • Explain the cleaning methods and equipment disinfection methods
    • Explain the methods for cleaning tables
    • Explain the techniques of washing dishes
    • Explain the rules of good personal hygiene

Aperçu du contenu

  • Direct contamination by germs
  • Chemical or physical contaminants
  • Cross-contamination
  • Indirect contamination
  • Contamination by allergens
  • Illnesses contracted by workers or customers
  • Food-borne illnesses
  • Allergens reactions
  • Losses or costs for the company
  • Complaints' routing
  • Infected workers
  • Contaminated work surfaces
  • Food contamination
  • Unwashed dishes
  • Contaminated water
  • Personal hygiene
  • Preparation, handling, storage and proper disposal of food
  • Washing and disinfection suitable practices
  • Cleaning agents
  • Unlabeled containers
  • Food additives
  • Proper storage of chemicals
  • Use of food additives
  • Non-use of containers
  • Physical contamination sources
  • Good hygiene of staff
  • Adequate pest-control programs
  • Adequate maintenance program
  • Inspection of goods received
  • Food protection
  • Types of food allergens
  • Proper storage, handling and distribution of food
  • Composition of food containing allergens
  • HACCP System
  • Preventive measures
  • Critical control points
  • Monitoring procedures
  • Effective file management
  • Living organisms
  • Pathogens and spoilage organisms
  • Contaminated food
  • Types of microorganisms
  • Waste bacteria
  • Harsh conditions
  • Microorganisms transmission
  • Pathogen growth
  • Risk areas
  • Nutrient-rich food
  • Degree of acidity and alkalinity
  • Water activity and moisture
  • Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria
  • Potentially hazardous food
  • Management system of food safety
  • Setting time and temperature
  • Allergen control
  • Facility and equipment maintenance
  • Control of reception, storage and transport
  • Appropriate practices for handling and packaging foods
  • Effective use of a thermometer
  • Food freezing, thawing, refrigeration, cooking and warming
  • Room temperature food
  • Food cooling
  • Sneeze guard
  • Handling and serving utensils
  • Food distribution
  • Food destruction
  • Commodity inspection
  • Storage of goods
  • Manufacturer’s expiration date
  • Storage test
  • Inventory turnover
  • Number of microbial contaminants
  • Accumulation of food residues
  • Food cleaning and disinfection
  • Use of cloth or paper towel
  • Replacement of tablecloths between services
  • Washing of dishes by hand
  • Use of dishwashers
  • Hand washing
  • Personal habits
  • Transmissible illnesses
  • Symptoms of illnesses
  • Work clothing : clean hair, clothes, and uniforms

Renseigements additionnels sur la formation

The student who meets the conditions of the external body responsible for the training receives a nationally recognized certificate of achievement. This certificate is valid for five years. The standard of success is determined by the external body responsible for the training.

En ce moment, il n'y a aucun groupe de prévu. Inscrivez-vous à notre liste d’attente.

Liste d'attente

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