CCNB signed the Colleges and Institutes Canada’s Indigenous Education Protocol
October 25, 2017

CCNB signed the Colleges and Institutes Canada’s Indigenous Education Protocol
Today in Fredericton, the College communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick (CCNB) became the 54th institution to signed the Colleges and Institutes Canada’s (CICan) Indigenous Education Protocol, a groundbreaking document.
« We believe that Canadians have to work together to make Truth and Reconciliation a reality. That’s why it is important for CCNB to be part of the movement », explained Liane Roy, CEO of CCNB and president of CICan’s board of directors.
For several years, CCNB has provided specialized training for Aboriginal people throughout New Brunswick.
« At CCNB, we want to provide training that meets the employability needs of Aboriginal communities, while focusing on the economic priorities of our province. By signing this protocol, we want to continue to work with Aboriginal communities through education, training and applied research», said CCNB’s CEO.
Launched in December 2014, the CICan Indigenous Education Protocol provides a vision of how colleges and institutes can strive to improve their practices and better serve Indigenous peoples. It is based on seven principles that underscore the importance of structures and approaches to address Indigenous peoples’ learning needs and support self-determination and socio-economic development of Indigenous communities. They include ensuring that governance structures recognize and respect Indigenous peoples, reviewing curriculums to include Indigenous intellectual and cultural traditions and supporting students and employees to increase understanding and reciprocity.
« We must look at Canada as a village, and contribute as much as we can to be leaders within our communities. We have to work together to build a better future. We are really happy about CCNB’s commitment to First Nations education and training. We are looking forward to continuing to work with them. CCNB has been doing an excellent job by offering great education and training possibilities to our communities for many years », commented Roger Augustine Assembly of First Nations' Regional Chief of New Brunswick/Prince Edward Island.
The Indigenous Education Protocol was developed by CICan’s Indigenous Education Committee, comprising college and institute representatives from across the provinces and territories. It was based on consultations with members and Indigenous partners held at the Serving Indigenous Learners and Communities Symposium in December 2013, and the CICan annual conferences in 2013 and 2014. It has since been endorsed by colleges and institutes across the country, as well as many of their partners from Indigenous communities.
For more information about the CICan Indigenous Education and Protocol and its signatories:
Info and details:
Bruno Richard, communication officer, CCNB, 506-543-0661 ou
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