Supportive Assistance


Practice safe and supportive assistance to promote client independence during activities of daily living; implementation of practices to maintain a clean and organized client care environment; demonstration of appropriate use of touch while providing supportive assistance.


  • Promoting client independence
    • Explain the importance of respecting the independence and autonomy of clients
    • Encourage independence, self-care, and self-esteem of the client as much as possible through caregiving or assisting activities
    • Support clients' personal preferences and choices
    • Understand the balance of power in supportive care relationships with clients
    • ​​​​​Assist client with personal care in a safe, competent, and organized manner
  • Appropriate use of touch
    • Describe what touch is, the benefits of touch, and the different zones of touch that a Supportive Care Assistant will be using
    • Identify the different types of abuse
  • Maintain a clean and organized environment
    • Support the health care team by maintaining a clean and organized environment
    • Assess the client and the environment before tidying
    • Adjust environments, as appropriate, to ensure safety and to promote efficiency
    • Understand the importance of cleaning equipment after use and returning to an appropriate place
  • Assisting with ambulation; use of aids
    • Describe what is ambulation, assisted ambulation, and the benefits of ambulation
    • Know how to identify and set up mobility aids such as cane and walker
    • Discuss safety considerations for ambulation
    • Assist the client with movement and ambulation, such as escorting or walking alongside the client
    • Recognize the parts of ambulation that are out of scope, such as lifts, transfers, or positioning and turning clients in bed
    • Understand basic body mechanics and demonstrate safe lifting techniques
  • Assisting a client at mealtime
    • State food handling methods that would reduce the risk of spoilage or contamination
    • Assist with mealtime set up, resulting in an attractive and pleasant environment
    • Encourage socialization at mealtimes
    • Learn about dietary concerns such as special diets and allergies