Lift and Transfer Techniques


Theory and skills required to lift and transfer loads safely in the workplace.


  • Understand the risks that may threaten one’s physical integrity when lifting and transferring loads in the workplace
    • Identify the main injuries encountered in the workplace related to lift and transfer
    • Identify the risk factors for injuries related to lift and transfer
    • Identify the main causes of injuries that may be encountered due to lift and transfer of loads
    • Discuss the impact of a work interruption due to occupational injuries
    • Describe effective strategies to prevent occupational injuries related to lift and transfer
  • Apply the principles of an appropriate posture and body mechanics to optimize physical integrity
    • Explain the basic principles of body mechanics
    • Differentiate appropriate and awkward positions
    • Discuss the importance of an appropriate posture
    • Discuss the consequences that may result from holding awkward postures on a long term basis
    • Adopt an optimal posture and proper body mechanics in accordance with the natural movement of the body
    • Recognize the principles of body mechanics that apply when lifting and transferring loads according to tasks
    • Correct one's posture in accordance with ergonomic principles
    • Enumerate some ergonomic tools that may be useful to prevent injuries in the workplace
  • Apply the basic lift and transfer techniques
    • Perform warm-up and stretching exercises appropriately before executing lift and transfer activities
    • Explain the basic concepts related to lift and transfer techniques
    • Perform the main lift and transfer techniques according to one’s field of expertise and clientele
    • Apply safety principles at all times when performing lift and transfer techniques
    • Perform various activities and simple auxiliary movements in accordance with basic technical skills
    • Apply the principles of body mechanics at all times while performing techniques
    • Demonstrate effective problem-solving strategies in various situations according to the particularities of the work field
    • Make necessary adjustments when experiencing difficulties in the application of a technique, taking into consideration the task at hand

Aperçu du contenu

  • Occupational injuries: soft tissue injuries, back injuries, statistics, risk factors, causes, economic and human impact, long term projections, prevention, etc.
  • Body mechanics: optimal posture, base of support, center of gravity, range of motion, vertical distance, etc.
  • Appropriate postures and awkward positons
  • Importance of an appropriate posture
  • Common awkward positions in the workplace: static movements, sustained muscle contractions, twisting movements, transporting a load on the lower part of hips, etc.
  • Natural body movement
  • Appropriate posture that follows the principles of body mechanics
  • Ergonomic material, equipment and furniture according to the workplace: ergonomic chair that promotes comfort when sitting on the floor, chair adapted to adult size to promote comfort when sitting at a table, child furniture adapted to adults, etc.
  • Warm-up and stretching exercices
  • Lifting and transferring persons and material loads
  • Lift and transfer techniques according to the work field
  • Safety compliance
  • Application of skills to various daily professional activities
  • Principles of body mechanics related to simple auxiliary movements
  • Application of principles of body mechanics during lift and transfer techniques
  • Problem-solving strategies in various situations according to the particularities of the workplace (i. e. weight and size of loads, height of furniture, accessibility of the load to lift and transfer, etc.)
  • Special considerations according to the profession