Information Collection and Processing


Develop skills for collecting and processing information: understand information contained in texts and documents; use techniques to facilitate finding and collecting information sought; process information collected properly; use memorization techniques.


  • Understand a variety of texts related to the field
    • Read various types of office documents (posters, labels, lists, forms, tables, memos, letters, reports)
    • Recognize the different types of documents
    • Recognize symbols, icons, pictograms, and other visual codes present in the document
    • Recognize the main ideas and concepts in reading simple or moderately complex documents
    • Identify the information required to clarify a situation, perform a task, or make a decision
  • Locate various pieces of information in different types of documents
    • Recognize the structure of a document
    • Search for simple information in simple texts
    • Search for simple information in complex texts
    • Search for several pieces of information in simple texts
    • Comply with prescribed methods of collecting information
    • Distinguish between critical and irrelevant information
    • Check the relevance of the information found in relation to the request
  • Process information located previously
    • Use appropriate techniques and methods to objectively analyze information for effective decision making
    • Make decisions, limiting the risk of errors to a minimum
    • Insert the appropriate data in a form
    • Demonstrate their ability to make simple deductions
    • Distinguish between essential and secondary or superfluous data
    • Justify decisions made
  • Memorize important information
    • Use effective memorization techniques to remember specific information
    • Use effective memorization techniques to remember people
    • Use effective memorization techniques to apply quick search methods in documents