Workplace Standard First Aid with Level C CPR


First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for the workplace; interventions based on proper assessment of the scene or incident; CPR on a baby, child, adult and pregnant woman: interventions applicable to various emergency situations; application of bandages


  • Understand the fundamentals of emergency scene management
    • Define First Aid
    • Distinguish the role and responsibilities of the first aid provider, taking into consideration the ethical and legal aspects of emergency response
    • Describe means of managing the emergency scene while waiting for medical support (SMU), including recognizing urgencies, communicating with SMU and moving the sick or injured person
    • Describe the most frequently used rescue techniques
    • Provide first aid accordingly to the environment, the cause of the event and the person's condition and characteristics
    • Perform primary and secondary examinations
    • Demonstrate, during simulated situations, the ability to provide first aid until the arrival of SMU
    • Recognize measures to prevent infection while providing first aid and to detect major signs of infection
    • Describe means of improvising for bandages or dressings in the absence of first aid material
    • Discuss means of dealing with emotionally traumatic events
  • Provide first aid to an unconscious person, including when the condition is due to shock
    • Discuss the concept of circulatory failure and its causes
    • Discuss the concept of loss of consciousness and state of shock
    • Describe the procedure to examine the person with loss of consciousness or signs of shock
    • Demonstrate the ability to provide first aid in presence of loss of consciousness or signs of shock
  • Provide first aid to the person experiencing cardiopulmonary or circulatory failure, and other types of sudden emergencies
    • Discuss the basic anatomy and physiology of the respiratory and circulatory systems
    • Discuss the concept of respiratory tract obstruction with a foreign body and the preventive measures that apply
    • Recognize the signs of a respiratory tract obstruction with a foreign body according to the degree of blockage
    • Apply appropriate interventions in presence of a respiratory tract obstruction with a foreign body in a baby, a child, an adult, and a pregnant woman, taking into account the condition and other characteristics of the person
    • Examine other types of respiratory distress, including signs and symptoms that reflect the severity of the condition
    • Distinguish respiratory distress from respiratory arrest and interventions that apply
    • Examine cardiovascular diseases, risk factors and preventive measures
    • Distinguish the signs and symptoms of angina, heart attack, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and transient ischemic attack
    • Distinguish the complications that may result from angina, heart attack and CVA
    • Recognize the presence of a respiratory or cardiac arrest
    • Carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques appropriately on a baby, a child, an adult, and a pregnant woman, taking into account the condition and other characteristics of the person
    • Utilize a face shield with a one-way valve and an automated external defibrillator (AED)
    • Recognize the signs of internal and external bleeding and the interventions that apply
    • Examine various emergencies and first aid measures that apply (such as diabetic emergencies, hyperthermia caused by fever and convulsions)
  • Apply the principles of first aid in presence of various injuries, such as soft tissue wounds
    • Discuss the basic anatomy and physiology of the skin
    • Distinguish causes for injuries and bleeding
    • Recognize causes for which the blood flow to soft tissues becomes insufficient or interrupted
    • Discuss the concept of open and unopened injuries, blood vessel injuries and types of bleeding
    • Describe the interventions that apply to various types of injuries, with or without bleeding
    • Examine various types of burn injuries: thermal, chemical and radiation
    • Describe signs and symptoms of burn injuries, severity of burns in terms of degree, consequences and appropriate treatment
    • Describe commonly seen eye injuries, possible signs and symptoms, and various treatments that apply
    • Examine various types of bandages and dressings
    • Perform most frequently used bandaging and dressing techniques, taking into account the type and the severity of the injury
  • Apply first aid measures in presence of musculoskeletal injuries
    • Discuss the basic anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system
    • Recognize the presence of an open and unopened fracture, dislocation, sprain and strain, and respective first aid measures that apply according to the injured limb
    • Apply techniques to immobilize limbs with slings and braces
    • Recognize the vital organs that are located within or near the thoracic cavity
    • Assess breathing in a simulated situation
    • Describe the procedure to examine an injured chest
    • Describe abnormal movements of the chest wall and their signification
    • Describe first aid interventions that apply to chest injuries
    • Discuss the spinal anatomy, including the five areas of the spine and its location
    • Recognize the functions of the spinal cord
    • Examine common head and spine injuries and the possible complications
    • Recognize the importance of establishing the cause of a head or spine injury and the circumstances in which the accident has occurred
    • Describe measures to detect head or spine injuries based on signs and symptoms, and the scene of the accident
    • Apply immobilization methods using hands
  • Understand first aid measures in presence of various environment related emergency situations
    • Recognize medical urgencies related to environment, their major signs and symptoms, and the first aid measures that apply
    • Recognize most common types of poisoning and the first aid measures that apply
    • Discuss first aid measures that apply to allergic reactions
    • Discuss hyperthermia and hypothermia that result from environment, and related first aid measures

Content Overview

  • Definition of first aid
  • Roles and responsibilities of the first aid provider
  • Ethical and legal aspects of first aid (including the responsibility of the first aid provider related to medication)
  • Scene management: general rules, infection prevention, primary and secondary examination, interventions based on relevant elements (environment, causes of the event, person's age, condition and other characteristics), improvising materials when necessary, etc.
  • Various rescue techniques
  • Communicating with SMU
  • Appropriate positioning of the person while waiting for SMU
  • Dealing with emotionally traumatic events
  • Basic anatomy and physiology
  • Recognizing failure of vital systems and appropriate first aid measures
  • Circulatory, respiratory and neurological emergencies
  • Unconsciousness, fainting and shock: causes, signs and symptoms according to the severity of the condition, consequences and interventions
  • Interventions that apply to airway obstruction with a foreign body in various situations: in a baby, child, adult or pregnant woman, in presence of obesity, in a conscious and unconscious person, etc
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in various situations: one or two person CPR, CPR on a baby and child victim, during pregnancy, in presence of obesity and possible spine injury, etc.
  • Use of a face shield with a one-way valve and an automated external defibrillator (AED)
  • Musculoskeletal injuries and appropriate interventions
  • Various situations and related interventions : bruises, nose bleed, broken teeth, eye and ear injuries, amputations, abrasions, lacerations, tearing, perforations, various soft tissue injuries, foreign object lodged in body, open and unopened chest wounds, pneumothorax and hemothorax, fractures, crush injuries, allergic reactions, burns, etc.
  • Various simulated situations