BMGE1158 - Production and Distribution of Products



This course will allow the student to become familiar with the basic concepts of production and distribution, in order to reduce costs and increase revenues of the company.


  • Understand the importance and benefits of carefully planning production
  • Know the processes improving the efficiency of one's business
  • Know the processes adapted to the fisheries, forestry and agriculture
  • Know the components of one's operational business processes
  • Understand the impact of the distribution and transportation of products on the company's revenues
  • Understand the impact of logistical planning on company’s revenues
  • Know the tips and tricks of distribution for the fisheries, forestry and agriculture
  • Understand the supplier selection and management processes

Aperçu du contenu

  • Production planning: importance and benefits
  • Solid production plan
  • Quality management
  • Operational business processes
  • Operational processes for fisheries, forestry and agriculture sectors
  • Transportation planning and distribution of products: tips to reduce the cost
  • Suppliers: selection, management and improvement in practices

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