Integrated Pest Management in the Cannabis Production


Discussion on the current approach to pest management and associated philosophy. Study of biological and conventional pest controls techniques. Identification of major pests found in growth facilities (insects, fungi, viruses and bacteria) and associated symptoms. Review of plant disorders resulting from environmental factors.


  • Understand the signs and symptoms of majors pest found in cannabis production
    • Correctly identify undesired insects found in cannabis production
    • Recognize the sign and symptoms cause to plants by undesired insects
    • Correctly identify the presence of pathogens (fungi, viruses and bacteria)
  • Apply known biological control measures
    • Describe known cultural, mechanical, biological and environmental control measures and techniques applied in response to pest injury and pest presence
    • Safely and correctly use biological control agents such as beneficial insects, mites, nematodes and fungi in response to pest injury and pest presence
    • Safely and correctly apply biological approved products in response to pest injury and pest presence
    • Safely and correctly install physical barriers
    • Correctly implement sanitation protocols
    • Optimise environmental conditions to make it less suitable for pest proliferation in the cannabis crop
    • Monitor pest population, spread of disease and damage characteristics
    • Monitor a biologically controlled population to determine efficacy and course of action
    • Propose appropriate control measures for observed pest injury and pest presence

Content Overview

  • Insects and their life cycles
  • Pathogen agents: bacteria, viruses and fungi
  • Identification of pests commonly found in growth room and greenhouses
  • Identification of major pests found in cannabis production
  • Measures to prevent pest outbreaks
  • Growing conditions for both pests and biological control agents
  • Control and treatment techniques